Thursday, April 2, 2009

Project 1 - Logo Type

Our first project for Computer Art was to create our very own logo type, a way to brand our work with a special symbol.

This project was actually something that I have been wanting to try to do for quite some time before I even started this class. As a photographer I am constantly looking for ways to stamp my work in order to show ownership over my pieces and had yet to develop one on my own.

Deciding what kind of logo would really best represent me as an artist and the pieces I create was more difficult than expected. I have two very specific personalities when it comes to my work, one loves structure, perfection and clean lines and the other concentrates on my love for the abstract, bright colors, obscure images and overall girly/glitzy side of my creativity. So internally I fought over what side to bring forth for this personal trademark I was trying to produce.

After dozens of sketches, both during class and at my apartment in my sketchbook, I had almost way too many options to choose from. I had everything from big block letters to sloppy exaggerated script to trying to add little details like hearts and loops. I just could not decide what way to go and what would be the best looking for this project. Finally after stressing and contemplating over and over I decided to do a little bit of both my creative personalities.

Above is my final product and honestly I could not be happier with it, it is a simple black box with clean lines and encased is a brush stroke representation of my signature initials. It reminds me of writing on a chalk board, but overall I think it will lend a good representation of my creative process to each of my pieces of work.

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